A home for plants and wildlife a lifestyle for RV enthusiasts.

"The Lazy Tortoise Ranch stands as a beacon of unity between nature conservation and a close-knit community lifestyle. We're deeply committed to nurturing an appreciation for the natural world, aspiring to spark interest in conservation, environmental science, astronomy, and critical thinking among both young and old. Together, we're creating more than just a place to live; we're offering a gateway to Florida's most immersive wildlife refuge experience. Our sanctuary is a living canvas for exploration, learning, and discovery, inviting residents on a journey through the wonders of nature." - Steven H. Lumbert, Developer, Geologist/Ecologist

The Founders


Steven H. Lumbert

Principal Scientist, Developer
I initiated the Lazy Tortoise Ranch driven by a dual passion: a deep reverence for nature and a desire to share my artistic vision. My goal was not just to conserve a slice of Florida's beautiful landscape and its wildlife but to create a living tapestry where others could also connect, learn, and thrive within this natural sanctuary. Now, I am extending an invitation to 65 new owners to join me in this endeavor, not merely as residents but as partners in a shared vision. This is more than an invitation to own a piece of land; it's a call to become part of a community deeply embedded in environmental stewardship and enriched by cultural and educational pursuits. The Ranch is a manifestation of my journey—an artist's and ecologist's dream to blend creativity with conservation. By welcoming others to this unique enclave, I aim to broaden our collective impact on conservation, foster a community that values creativity, and inspire a lifestyle that is in harmony with the world around us. The Lazy Tortoise Ranch represents an opportunity for those who want to live amidst nature, yet are equally passionate about contributing to its preservation and enhancement. It's a chance to be part of something transformative—a project that not only offers a refuge for wildlife but also nurtures the human spirit through connection to the land and each other. Together, we can create a legacy of conservation and creativity, making the Lazy Tortoise Ranch a beacon of sustainable living and environmental awareness.

Steve@LazyTortoiseRanch.com 407 504 9255



Monnie is truly royalty at the Lazy Tortoise Ranch. Monnie is a Monarch Butterfly that is headed for the Endangered Species List. Monnies' job is to remind you daily how fragile our climate, forests, and grasslands are. Monnie will fly from wildflower to wildflower pollinating each as it goes so that there will be an abundance of native grasses and forbs for critters like Digger and his many friends. Monnie will help Digger with his Blogs from time to time. Monnie is a Monarch and can do anything it wants to but chooses not to use email or phones. Monnie insists if you want to hold court with him you must do so in person and be sure to bow before you approach. And remember, never ever touch a Monarch.
Gopher Tortoise


Keystone Home Builder
Every burrow that Digger makes provides shelter for over 350 species of animals. Digger is what we call a Keystone species because without his burrows the diversity of wildlife in a forest diminishes astonishingly. The entire Lazy Tortoise Ranch concept was built around Digger and his friends. Over 200 of Diggers friends and relatives will be brought to this nature preserve from central Florida areas where their homes and habitats are being destroyed for human development. Digger has been given an endowment by the Lazy Tortoise Ranch so his nature preserve can be protected and maintained forever. There is no need to email or phone Digger because he cannot write or talk. Call Steven Lumbert instead. Digger has found a way to communicate with Monnie to help write Blogs.

"Sometimes the best outdoor adventure simply involves a hammock and a cool drink." Steven H. Lumbert